Sunday, November 04, 2007
NYC Marathon Today
Male 6715
3:48:39 chip time
0:24:50 5K
0:48:32 10K
1:13:26 15K
1:39:54 20K
1:45:44 1/2 Marathon
2:34:10 30K
3:03:33 35K
3:35:25 40K
8:43 pace
3:28:29 age graded
59.9 PLP
Thursday, November 01, 2007
iDon't run with iPod
USA Track & Field, the national governing body for running, this year banned the use of headphones and portable audio players like iPods at its official races. The new rule was created to ensure safety and to prevent runners from having a competitive edge....Elite runners do not listen to music in races because they need to concentrate on their own bodies and hear their competitors, and some die-hard, old-school runners follow suit. Those runners — purists who prefer the sound of the crowd or their own breathing over, say, “Fergalicious” — cheered the headphone ban.
But for competitors who use music as a motivational tool while training and competing, the ban was frustrating, as if the race directors were forcing them to run barefoot.Though I would not be against race directors forcing runners to run barefoot, I do choose not to wear headphones. I am not elite, so I guess I am a "die-hard old school" runner. Headphones and other electronics annoy me - I wind up playing too much with the music and the device, so I loose focus on the run. I prefer to focus on the run or on my own thoughts and perceptions.
The USATF has a history of making rules and supporting events that favor elite runners. This rule is part of USATF's tendency towards discouraging participation for more recreational runners. Unfortunately, monopolies can do that and still thrive. Fortunately, people who want to run wired can easily ignore the rule. Just pay your yearly USATF membership fee so you can play in the streets with the elites and everybody is happy. :)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Form Video
Monday, October 15, 2007
Can't Freakin' Believe It
The OTC orthotics pre-date my journey into running barefoot. When I wore them I was a heel striker, and I used them in expensive trainers. Today my feet correctly touched the pavement as a barefoot runner should: midfoot first, followed by non-weight-bearing heel-touch. So I am thinking maybe I can use these old aftermarket insoles as a bridge to recovery.
Another possibility is coincidence. I have been noticing that if I keep my blood level of ibuprofen up, I have less pain. I happened to have followed a consistent dosage yesterday and today. Add that to the minimal mileage I have been running, and maybe it is just time to feel the pain may be near ending.
Either way, I am really really hoping this is the home stretch for the pain, just in time for the NYC Marathon 20 days from today.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Chicago Marathon
But perhaps I think different. The people who had to stop were the (slap me if I am being politically incorrect) slower runners. I do not disrespect them. I understand that their race is as difficult and as important to them as the faster runners. I am even joining the ranks of the slower runners at this point in my life. The slower runners are still fitter and more courageous than 99.9% of the rest of the population of this planet.
And it is hard to imagine the real scene there. There is a great slideshow at the Chicago Tribune web site (thanks to them for the screen cap) that can make some impact for those of us that were not there.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I Really Have aStore
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Jumping Back In
Monday, October 01, 2007
October Do or Die
So I have 31 days to get the training in for the NYC Marathon. Not much time. The goal is simply to go sub-4-hours.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ran a Half-Marathon PW Yesterday!

I ran a 1:39 PW yesterday at the Newport Liberty Half-Marathon! A PB or PR is a "personal best" or "personal record". My run yesterday was a "personal worst" - I ran 1:21 last year there. It is because of these Achilles tendons and this lingering plantar fasciitis. I knew it would be slow, but it is still difficult to let all those people be in front of me, especially when I wasn't even breathing hard. When I am finished my runs lately, it feels like I was beat up for an hour. This is not good - kind of like aversive conditioning. I am wondering if I should just take an entire week off and ride my bike and swim instead of running. Would that put me any farther behind in so-called training for the NYC Marathon that is 6 weeks away?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Newton Shoes
...So what has Newton ( done? The shoes feature rubber lugs -- called "actuators" -- that extend a quarter inch or so from the base of the forefoot region on the sole to mimic a barefoot running style, attempting to promote a more efficient and natural running technique. According to the company, the design minimizes detrimental heel-striking, promotes forefoot striking, increases speed, and prevents injury with some runners.If they were about $100 less, I might try a pair.
There's also a claim that the actuators rebound you into each new stride -- contracting on impact, absorbing energy, then springing you forward in a fit of, well, Newtonian physics.
In addition, the shoes are fairly lightweight -- the Gravity model I tested are about 11 ounces per foot -- and they have a mushy, dead-feeling heel, further egging you to strike on your forefoot.
Did I mention they cost $175 a pair?...
Ben Underwood is Blind
And I am pretty sure he walks barefoot -
Watch the vid
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Registered for Newport Liberty
My PF is still painful, especially when I run faster than about 8:30 per mile. Slower running is more tolerable. And every day that I run is a little different, pain-wise. Ice seems to help a lot, and the pain seems to respond to regular strength generic ibuprofen better than it does to Advil. Tylenol 8-Hour seems to give me the runs - ironically sometimes in the middle of a run.
I tried to run 13 miles on Saturday, but wound up running only 11, and the PF hurt for the second half of the run. This means the NLHM will be my longest run since the Escarpment Trail Run, back in July. Today I ran a double, 2 in the AM and 5 in the PM. I had pain in the morning and just a little in the afternoon. Morning run on road in trainers, and afternoon mostly on the towpath in XC shoes. I ran 42 miles the week ending September 9th. This past week I ran 46. I am hoping to continue to rehab and increase miles so I can run a comfortable NYC marathon. The half-marathon on Sunday will only be a long run.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mr. Little and I envisioned a small plane, perhaps a single engine prop plane with a mechanical problem, flying accidentally into the WTC. It had happend before to the Empire State Building.
By the end of first period, 9:45 AM, the buzz was building, however. Televisions were on in some classrooms and people were watching the live action of the burning, and the second plane hitting the second tower. Then the endless repitition, the horrified reporters and observers, the unbelivable events were unfolding for everyone who had a working television feed or Internet connection.
We walked out the back side of the building that faces towards New York City and could see the smoke.
It was horrible and sad. It was hard to react. Many students, even though they were 14-19 years old, just went about their business and didn't fully understand. Actually, none of us fully understood. How could we. We all just watched and listened and hoped we could remain safe and untouched.
And I ran that day with my son on his bicycle next to me. I talked to him about what had happened in New York City on that day. He was only 7 years old, but he had heard about it and seen some on TV after my wife and I arrived home.
In retrospect that run was a turning point in his life more than mine. Because I knew the pre-9/11 world much better than he could know it. He has lived almost half of his life now in this world that continues to behave under the influence of 9/11. He is developing the major characteristics of his personality in this world.
My run that day with my son was the balm that made me able to cope with the horror of September 11, 2001. My running is a comfort that unites my life every day. It is a constant that I can depend on. Each run forms a whole, like a string of pearls, that extends back to the "old world" of peace; of high school, through these events, into today, and into the future.
I am going to try to get my 13 year-old son to go for a run with me today and talk to him about that other run in September of 2001. I wonder if he would remember it. But he won't come with me, and I won't force him, because he will have some homework to do, some online games to play, some dinner to eat before his 6 PM soccer practice.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
They're Almost Getting It
Many athletic shoes now have too much cushion, gels or air soles that can weaken the foot muscles, especially when worn all day long for fashion as well as exercise, Stoxen said.
"A shoe needs to be supportive to allow for athletic performance, but it needs to allow the foot to move the way it was designed to move," he said. "The modern day 'foot binding' is the shoe. We have all kinds of shoes that alter the natural movement of the foot."
Stoxen cites interviews with African runners, who often practice barefoot and frequently perform exceedingly well in marathons. He recounts the story of Ethiopia's Abebe Bikila, who set a new world record and won the gold medal in the 1960 Olympic marathon while running barefoot over cobblestones in Rome. Bikila won gold again four years later in Tokyo, despite recovering from an appendectomy he underwent a little more than five weeks earlier.
The new "barefoot" shoe will strengthen rather than weaken the natural spring mechanism of the foot, said Dan Weiss, director of marketing and product planning for the Converse Performance Team in Japan.
"Basically the foot has all the parts needed to perform," Weiss said. "A barefoot athletic shoe will allow the foot to continue to strengthen this performance mechanism and thus improve the overall endurance and strength of the foot, which is where most movement begins. -- By aligning the foot correctly and giving the support only where needed, this shoe will allow the foot to strengthen those muscles and ligaments that support the arch and give you the spring to react. With this stronger framework and correctly functioning spring mechanism, players will have quicker reactions and be able to avoid those common roll-over sprains."
Thursday, September 06, 2007
High Heels and Pumps
The ensuing discussion focused on the difference between high-heels and pumps, rather than on running shoe design. Darn, I usually hate when things go off on unexpected tangents.... But not this time. Because of course the Internet had the answer!
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source pump 2![]()
(pŭmp) Pronunciation Key n. A woman's shoe that has medium or high heels and no fastenings., about High Heels - here is a snip (but visit the link for a great pic ;) ----->>>>
High-heeled shoes are shoes which raise the heel of the wearer's foot toes. When both the heel and the toes are raised equal amounts, as in a platform shoe , it is generally not considered to be a "high-heel." This tends to give the illusion of longer and more sleder legs. High-heels come in a wide variety of styles, and the heels are found in many different shapes, including stiletto, block, tapered, blade, and wedge. significantly higher than the
While high heels today are mostly associated with female shoe styles, and the term high heeled shoe is generally understood to mean styles of spike-heeled footwear almost exclusively worn by women, there are numerous shoe designs worn by both genders which have elevated heels, including cowboy boots and cuban heels. According to high fashion shoe websites like Jimmy Choo and Gucci, a "low heel" is considered less than 2.5", while 2.5" to 3.5" heels are considered "mid heels," and anything over 3.5" is considered a "high heel" [citation needed].
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Trying to Get it Right
Been here, on the computer, out in the sun, on vacation and elsewhere. Suffering short training weeks since a painful Escarpment Trail Run in July.
So I have formulated my Fall training plan based on where I am now. I will be running the NYC marathon with less miles behind me than last year. The only hope I have is to train smarter, depend on my legacy fitness, and run the event more conservatively and with lower expectations than I did last year.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Doing It All Amazingly Wrong
The amazing wrongness began at President's Cup on June 18th. I wrote about the damage I did to myself there. Summary: 19:15 5K barefoot. Left Achilles tendon = hurtin'. So for the rest of the week, Tuesday - Saturday I did not run. Instead I did some swimming and cycling, some icing and some rope-stretching. People at work noticed I was limping and showed concern.
I was registered for the Pine Beack 5K on Sunday June 24th. It was the USATF-NJ masters championship, so I wanted to run for the team's sake. I knew I had less pain in my Achilles when I was warmed up, but it was difficult to get to the warmed-up state by running. So I brought my bike to the event, warmed up on the bike, and ran the race wearing road race shoes. Initially I didn't have much pain during the race, but I did not want to push too hard. I ran 19:41, finishing just ahead of a member of my club who is a mother of two and still lactating.
The next day I swam again. Continuing my amazing wrong running program, I proceeded to run a cross-country 5K on Tuesday June 26th. I ran 19:53, finishing behind a 13 year old, but ahead of a bunch of 16 year-olds. Some pain there, but tolerable. So I continued last week with more alternative training Wednesday - Saturday: swimming and cycling, icing and stretching. .
Charlie emailed yesterday suggesting a long hilly trail run at Round Valley today. Of course that would be an amazingly wrong thing to do, considering my condition. But, true to form, I went and did 20 hilly rocky miles in 3:12 this morning with him and Jen. It was a beautiful run, and I am amazed I was able to do it. My Achilles did not bother me until the last few miles. I am psyched that I might even be able to run a decent Escarpment Trail on July 29th, despite this nagging Achilles pain.
So I am looking forward to another week of alternative training because I am not registered for another race until July 10th, another XC 5K. Maybe I should sign-up for a triathlon?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My Left Foot

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Shoe Review - Reebok Circa Waffle
The advantage of this shoe as a barefooter's running shoe is the sole is fairly thin, and there is no difference between the sole thickness at the forefoot and under the heel. They have no support structures and allow your feet to function in their full range of motion. They have good "road feel", yet provide enough protection over Appalachian rocky trails.
My first pair was size 9, and I ripped out the insoles because they felt a little short at the toes. Especially for my bigger right foot. I still ran in them until they were almost dead, including in the 2006 NYC marathon. Since they partially blackened my right big toe, I figured it was time to size up. I jumped to size 9 1/2 for my second pair. They still seemed a little too snug, however. My son, a 7th grader that suddenly wears the same shoes I do, ran track this spring for the first time, so I gave them to him. I now have a size 10, and they are great! I should order a few pairs and stockpile them before Reebok decides to "improve" or discontinue them!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
A 26.2 Mile Saturday

After the event there was a big bar-b-cue picnic and beer-drinking celebration for all the runners and their families. The event director told some interesting, funny or personal stories about each runner that completes 20 miles or more as he awarded them their commemorative picture frames. The total mileage from all the runners combined from this day is computed into a 75 cent per mile donation to the Cancer Institute of New Jersey. It was a beautiful day and an amazing event.
I have done this event since its inception, and I believe there are a few important factors that make this a event a great experience. Nobody comes away exhausted or disappointed with their time. Even though some people run the longest run in their lives at this event, everyone seems energized at the picnic after the event. Perhaps this is because of the cooperative spirit of the event, the excellent support, the two minute breaks at the refueling stations, the flatness and forgiveness of the towpath, or just the good karma generated by the spirit of the event. For my running club, The Raritan Valley Road Runners, it is a key event that more people take part in as participants or volunteers than any other event throughout the year.

After switching to my Reebok Circa Waffle XC shoes, I completed the rest of the first 20.7 miles of the run. I then helped at the next two refueling stations and got some recovery time. I re-boarded the train with 5.5 miles to the finish. I was able to start and finish with Jen Davis, one of the women that ran the entire distance. We arrived at the end at 11:01 AM, just one minute off the 8:30/mile schedule!
I should run more marathons at 8:30, because today I feel no soreness! I mowed my lawn barefoot this morning, and this afternoon I ran around my daughter's soccer game field barefoot during half-time for about 3/4 of a mile.

Monday, May 28, 2007
Natirar Cross-Country Course
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Sleep Deprivation
Luckily, I am not exhibiting the worst symptoms (yet?), which include hand tremors, fainting, decreased immune function, hallucinations and psychosis.Aching muscles
Blurred vision
Clinical depression
Daytime naps
Decreased mental activity
Decreased concentration
Dark circles under the eyes
Memory lapses /
memory loss
Pale skin tone
(looking pasty)
Slowed reaction time
Slurred speech
Weight loss / Anorexia
Unexplained Exhaustion
I was exhausted last week too. I missed a few days of running. I took some naps. I ran almost 12 on Saturday, but in general, my running mileage has been low. I am about 40 miles behind the yearly total that I was at at this point last year. I do not know exactly what is up. All kids of scenarios are in my head, including mono, Lyme disease, anemia, clinical depression, thyroid problems and cancer. Even after that long sleep last night, I am still feeling a little draggy. My muscles feel a bit weak. I had some diarrhea yesterday. Colleagues have noticed that my mood is bit down, and that I look tired.
I want to believe that I have just been sleep-deprived for too long a period of time. It is hard for me to really come to terms with this. Perhaps sleep deprivation is the best explanation. I think I have gotten an average of about 6 hours of sleep per night for a couple of months now. I should do some research on the effects of this kind of sleep deprivation. Maybe I should go to a doctor?
More to come.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Shin-Thing Continued

So it is or was a posterior compartment syndrome at the origin of my soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. This article helped me, because it explains the swelling, and it also explains the numbness I experienced in my toes during the workout on the very day that I noticed the swelling. This article really zeroed-in on the specific type of compartment syndrome. It was last Wednesday, at a club run, when I ran 8 miles fairly hard on what was so far the hottest day this year. The numbness happened on the hills during the last 2 miles. It was painfully numb, especially in the outside of my left foot. And on that day I was wearing Mizuno Precision shoes.
I took Thursday off and iced the swelling several times. The ice seemed to bring it down a little. Thinking I needed to protect my lower leg muscles and bones, I ran 4 miles on Friday and 8 miles on Saturday wearing the same shoes. On both days I felt a heaviness in my shin, as if I was carrying extra fluid around in there. I continued to ice. Then on Sunday I ran 8 miles barefoot. Barefoot, my shin felt normal the entire run, and in the evening, as I sat watching the passing of Christopher on The Sopranos and icing, I noticed the swelling was almost gone.
This incident made me remember that when I was in high school, circa 1976, I had compartment syndrome in both legs. It was so painful I was prescribed some steroid-based med and it ruined my cross-country season during my junior year.
A few other images that helped my figure this out:
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A Shin-Thing Going On
Monday, May 07, 2007
Astrology of Running Barefoot
Cancer (June 22-July 22). Your life is a labyrinth with many choices and unknowns. Not all of them are as fearsome as your imagination paints them to be.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Great Run Today
Monday, April 16, 2007
Boston Marathon Update #1
I am tracking several friends from my running club:
Here are the first wave guys.
Here are the people who started in wave #2.
Boston Marathon
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Run Easy
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Broken Toe
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Teenage 'Tude
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
As a matter of fact, she's very fond of cricket
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat
During my run yesterday, which included about 40 minutes on the Delaware-Raritan Towpath, I saw more people than usual outside walking, running, and doing other things. And it was some very cool other things, I must say. And the other things I am referring to have to do with photography, nudge nudge wink wink say no more. On the towpath there was a unique spot where the setting sun shone through the trees, across the canal, and illuminated a dock-like structure that is in Colonial Park. I was on the towpath, of course, on this out-and-back portion of my run. There were three women with a camera on a tripod across the canal on the dock-like structure. One wore jeans and a pink hoodie. One had a long white gown of flowing light, soft fabric; she may have been barefoot. The third had a short dress, bare legs, and boots with high heels. On the way out the third woman was looking through the camera that was pointed away from the canal, so her back was facing me. Now, many people lament that the Towpath is a great running surface, yet the sameness of the available scenery is sometimes its drawback. Given that perspective, this wildlife sighting was quite a welcome distraction. Yet I am a runner on a run with limited head rotation abilities, and sacrilege it would be to stop running while out on a training run, so this distraction could only be savored for about 20 seconds....
Party time! Excellent!
Farther down the Towpath I spotted a 12-pack of Yuengling bottles in the water just at the edge of the canal to my left. They belonged to two guys off the towpath to my right, down by the river. Two Milltown 30-something holdover heavy metal wannabe types: one dark long haired and baseball capped, the other light long haired, capless. They were, respectively, cluelessly, the embodiment of Wayne and Garth, fishing out of season, using Yuengling for bait. If they only had a clue about other things going on just a few minutes' walk down the Towpath, they would have been o so Schwing....
She's been around a bit, been around?
I turned around at Amwell Road for my run's return trip. Again I spied the three woman, and they must have gotten their light metered right, because the woman with the jeans was behind the cam and the woman in the short dress had her arms crossed and was grabbing it low and beginning to pull it over her head. But the third woman saw me - I must have appeared suddenly as I was attempting negative splits - and said something. There was a burst of laughter and the rising dress STOPPED at her thighs....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Deer Mr. Moose, is there even such a word?....
Well, the doe didn't charge, but she took my line and jogged behind me at about 30 yards or so, and the other deer, all does I think, followed in a line. They followed me for about another 100 yards, then veered off to head towards the park road.
I remembered to tell this story because some people were talking about deer hunting after the run at Doll's tonight. I was saying that I killed two deer with my motor vehicles. Then I told them about the deer following me, and John E. said he was charged by a deer on the towpath. He claims deer can be mean. Deer mean creatures? Hmm. Then he was asking if I ever encountered a moose, meaning with my car. No, I said, but I have when hiking in New Hampshire. I was trying to get close to take a picture while the moose was laying down, chewing cud. When I got within 10 yards, the 8 foot moose stood. That was it - I backed away slowly.
"And if you ever watched Rocky and Bullwinkle, you believe moose are dumb," said I. "It is like reverse anthropomorphism."
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Two Things: Blisters & The WSJ Article
Thing 2: This blog,, has a post that downs barefoot running based on the slanted WSJ article, where it says, in part:
"There is a price to pay for adjusting to life without shoes, particularly blisters and cuts. Less talked about is the potential for muscle, ligament and bone injuries. The human body was never designed to run on concrete, asphalt or whatever is littered on the roads."I commented:
"The WSJ article on barefoot running was possibly the worst barefoot running article ever written in mainstream media. The writer took facts and quotes out of context, and shaped them to his own opinion. And he could not have been more wrong. He even consulted with people from the Yahoo! Barefoot Running Group and ignored or manipulated their input. You can read the thread concerning this issue here. Running barefoot is the best thing I have ever done to improve my running. Yes, you can't change your training overnight, as is the case with any training change. However, the pain and drawbacks are much less than portrayed in the WSJ article. Here is a better article, from Men's Journal. See for the ultimate reference."
Monday, January 08, 2007
The Warm Dampness

My pace has been a little sluggy, because my December 2006 mileage was quite low and random, and I think I gained a couple pounds. The positive side to this wacky weather is that it is a good start for 2007 training.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Full Moon, Frozen Toes & Painful Pebbles

Today I got out while it was still daylight. Ran about 6 miles barefoot, mostly on pavement. Did about a mile on grass, but it was very damp and froze my toes, so I went back onto pavement. By the last couple of miles it had gotten dark. It was hard to see the road debris. I stepped on a couple of painful pebbles.