Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sensitivity and Perception - Warm Barefeet Are Happier Barefeet

I was gonna say that I believe the sensitivity my feet has changed immensely over time, but I have also observed that it changes from day-to-day, and even during the course of a single run. I am convinced that comfort/pain level is also affected by environmental factors like temperature, and internal variables like fatigue.

Today I am running over stuff that I would have considered painful just a few months ago.

The first second after something - usually natural tree litter like a stick or pine cone - that causes "pain", it might be painful, then it is gone....

Yesterday, in the beginning of a 7 mile barefoot run, my footstrike was uncomfortable, my technique was poor, but 20 minutes later it felt great....

When I am tired from lack of sleep or accumulated fatigue from hard training, I seem to need some running shoes more than after a day off...

Stuff that is uncomfortable at 50 degrees F is comfortable at 65 degrees F....

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